World City Trail – Milan

An escape room in Milan, Italy
This room is available in english.
World City Trail is a digital, outdoor escape and guided game. It is an interactive way to explore the city, as it combines a fun of treasure hunt with a sightseeing tour of the city. It supports 5 languages. Guided from the smartphone, either online or offline, players make their way through the city, following the route from one point to another, searching for answers and solving clues. A perfect activity for large or small groups of tourists or locals, experienced travelers, couples and families with children. A scaled help system is used by our offline application, so every riddle can be accessible to all. Explore the city and the local history through an interactive and unforgettable game.

Room information:

Address: Sforzesco castle, Milan, Italy
Phone: +306908220618
1 - 5
Number of people
Difficulty estimated by room owner.
36 EUR per group
Minimum price. Please, check the room's website for detailed pricing.

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