About us


For all those, who expected a long list of enthusiast that gathered behind the idea of making the awesomest website for finding escape rooms in Europe, I’ll have to dissappoint you a bit.

EscapeRoomsMaster team is, at this time, a one-mand-band, with a web developer and escape rooms junkie Anže Svoljšak as the idea leader behind the page, as well as main and only developer.

How does it work?

So how does our website work? We currently allow all escape rooms companies to register for free – and receive an ultimate pro user status, making their account enjoy all options, available at this time for free – for ever. This might change in the future, when we implement two levels of company accounts, so we encourage all escape rooms owners to register as soon as possible, just to secure their spot on the ultimate users list.

Companies can add their rooms (unlimited number for now), and let others know what their rooms are about, the price, time limit, number of people and difficulty of the room.

Visitors can rate entered rooms on multiple criteria, and let others know what they liked or disliked about the room they visited.

Our vision

At EscapeRoomsMaster.com, we will become the biggest database of escape rooms in Europe, offering our visitors to easily find an escape room of their liking near them.

We will become a website where you can find all the information you will ever need as a escape room junkie. What is new, what new rooms are open, which rooms are at the very top of the list of the best escape rooms overall, in seperate countries or in specific cities.

We offer visitors an option to let their voice be heard – did they have an exepctionally good or subaverage experience at an escape room? Let others know!

What’s next?

We are already planning a bunch of cool new functions for you, mostly focusing on individuals. Stay tuned – we’ll let you know as soon as they are ready.