So, you think we’re doing a good thing and want to help us in some way? We are not charging for our services on registration on our website, but we would be extremely grateful for any kind of help you would be prepared to offer.
Upgrade your account!
You can show your support and upgrade your account, helping us keep our page up and running and ads-free! You get special goodies for showing your support. Read more about making your rooms shine a little brighter.
Like us as your Facebook page
If you have an escape room, you probably have an facebook page, you can Like our page from you company’s profile. If you decide to do that, let us know at – and we’ll return the favor.
Ask your visitors and fans to rate your rooms
Rating the rooms is one of core features of EscapeRoomsMaster. Ask your fans and visitors to rate your rooms on our page, and let everyone know how awesome you are!
Add a link to our page to your website
We would be eternally grateful if you could add a link to our website on your website aswell. You can link directly to your company profile (which you can find on Your account page). You can use the logos variations below for the link. Just rightclick on the one that will work well on your site, and select save image option.