Mr. Nobodys first case

An escape room in Cologne, Germany
This room is available in english.
An abandoned office, full of hidden clues, cryptic messages and a shocking discovery: The journalist and private detective Mr Nobody has vanished! Shortly before his sudden disappearance, he was working on a tricky crime – apparently he was on the right track... You will not desert your old friend Mr Nobody in his moment of need. Help him as a team of investigators with his first case. Scour his office, retrace his steps and discover a multitude of tricky puzzles... Can you solve the case, so that Mr Nobody can return?!

Room information:

Address: Brüsseler Platz 14, 50674 Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Phone: +49 - (0)221 6430 6742
Company: TeamEscape
2 - 6
Number of people
71 EUR per group
Minimum price. Please, check the room's website for detailed pricing.
60 min
Time available.

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1 Comment
  1. Reply RobertNut 4th December 2023 at 2:47 pm

    Всем привет!

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