
An escape room in Frankfurt, Germany
This room is available in english.
9-Gatewayescape room in Germany
The people in the city told you about a mysterious gateway to the underworld. In an old cellar you find the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis, the Book of the Dead – Once opened, it’s ancient language will call the powers of the underworld. If you don‘t manage to escape in time, these powers will take possession of your bodies and thus open the gate to the underworld. The only way to stop the evil is to put together the lost pages of the book and to use its information to escape.

Room information:

Address: Waidmannstr. 21, Frankfurt, Germany
E-mail: mail@parapark-frankfurt.de
Phone: +496984777241
2 - 6
Number of people
Difficulty estimated by room owner.
20 EUR per person
Minimum price. Please, check the room's website for detailed pricing.
60 min
Time available.

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