The Sport Museum of Turku

An escape room in Turku, Finland
This room is available in english.
Many people know about archaeological excavations around the Turku Castle, but few know about the ancient sites under the Aura River. The last breakthrough in the excavations took place in Olavintie, where it became clear that underwater treasures became accessible with submarines! The first signs made researchers realize that the found objects are located in the golden age of Turku’s history, almost 200 years ago… However, some findings have made thearchaeological association of Southern Finland terrified: nobody wants to go to excavations or talk about the site anymore. How something from the past old can be so shocking? What does the underwater treasure of Turku tell you?

Room information:

Address: Olavintie 2, Turku, Finland
Phone: 503774060
2 - 5
Number of people
Difficulty estimated by room owner.
76 EUR per group
Minimum price. Please, check the room's website for detailed pricing.
60 min
Time available.

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