EscapeRoomsMaster ranks

Your profile on EscapeRoomsMaster is ranked based on the amount of points you earned on the page. There are currently 11 ranks available, ranging from Newbie, Rookie, and up to Master.

You can earn points to achieve higher ranks by:

  • Visiting escape rooms
  • Writing reviews
  • Collecting badges
  • Solving weekly puzzles

Visiting Escape Rooms

When viewing an escape room, added on our page while logged in to your account, you have a new option available to you – adding the escape room to your account.


You can add an escape room to your list with a single click!

Up until now, we only accepted escape rooms that were added from escape room companies – now, we opened up a new system that allows you, fellow escape room junkies, to add the room to our page aswell! If you visited a room that is not yet added on our page, please, use this form to add the rooms. They will be added to your account automatically!

Writing reviews

Reviews are a very important part of EscapeRoomsMaster – let your thoughts on the visited rooms be heard! Did you really enjoy the room? Let others know! Did you have a not-so-good experience in the room? Warn others! Please, read our guidelines for reviewing escape rooms before reviewing.

Collecting badges

You can collect badges for your profile on EscapeRoomsMaster. Some are quite easy to get – logging in your account and liking our page on Facebook should be a piece of cake! Other badges, however, require a bit more effort from your side – writing reviews or adding rooms to our site are just a few from the list of badges you can earn by being active on our site!

Solving weekly puzzles

We’ve prepared a system of weekly puzzles for you! Each week on Monday, you will be given a new weekly puzzle to solve. If successful, you will not only be granted the satisfaction of solving the puzzle, but will be, in time, rewarded with some extra Escape rooms master points! Read more about weekly puzzles.

You might be on to something! Create your EscapeRoomsMaster account and log in to check what it might be!